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7th Workshop of DINAMIA’CET-ISCTE

The project team participated in the 7th Workshop of DINAMIA’CET-ISCTE - DinâmicasSocioeconómicas e Territoriais Contemporâneas: rumos da investigação num mundo emtransformação - with several presentations.

  • Fontes, M, Alves, T. and Bento, N. (2023) Climate Policies in Decarbonization Strategies: A computational approach

  • Sousa, C., Fontes, M. and Conceição, O. (2023) Opportunities and challenges for Companies diversifying into the value chain. The case study of marine renewable energy technologies

  • Bento, F., Fontes, M. and Costa, E. (2023) How innovations lead to structural change. Elements for a theory of system transformation

  • Costa, E. Bento, N. and Fontes, M. (2023) Transformative business models for decarbonization. The case of web summit award-winning startups

Nuno Bento & Cristina Sousa, also participated in a Round Table on “The model of development for Portugal in the scope of climate transition”.



Ed. Iscte

Sala 2w4d Av.ª das Forças Armadas

1649-026 Lisboa

T.: (+351) 21 046 4031 | (+351) 210 464 197





Project Leader Address

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